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TeamViewer 簡介


Launched in 2005, TeamViewer focuses on cloud-based technologies to enable online remote support and collaboration globally. To thrive now and in the coming years, businesses and individuals need remote desktop support, remote access, and online collaboration to be able to connect worldwide. TeamViewer is at the forefront of that innovation.

We believe that wonderful things happen when people get together, and technology should make this possible for them from anywhere in the world. It should act as a catalyst to promote and amplify people’s ideas and their ability to solve issues and overcome challenges.

People have collectively used the technology from TeamViewer in billions of instances where distance and time would have otherwise prevented them from accomplishing their goals. 



TeamViewer Solution
TeamViewer Solution
  • TeamViewer: 整合性遠端存取、遠端控制及遠端支援解決方案,適用於幾乎所有的桌機與行動平台,包括 Windows、macOS、Android 及 iOS。 TeamViewer 讓您遠端進入位於全球任何地點的電腦或行動裝置,如同身臨其處般加以使用。 此外,您可以透過我們的安全全球遠端存取網路,隨時隨地遠端連線到伺服器、商業級機器及 IoT 裝置
  • TeamViewer AR Assist: 透過擴增實境解決方案為您提供更勝以往的遠端支援。無論您身在何方,擴增實境解決方案均使您能夠透過螢幕解決問題。利用 TeamViewer 的擴增實境解決方案 TeamViewer Pilot,您可在建立連線後觀看與對方同步的畫面
  • TeamViewer Remote Management: 升級您的 TeamViewer 體驗。主動確保您的 IT 基礎架構的健康、穩定和安全。提升 IT 效率並集中管理、監控、追蹤、修補和保護您的電腦、裝置和軟件 – 全部可於單一平台完成
  • TeamViewer Tensor: 企業SaasS平台。根據企業需求進行線性擴展,整合一鍵登錄與身份驗證(Single Sign-On)。全方位紀錄(Comprehensive Logging)
  • TeamViewer Frontline: 提高一線員工的生產力,降低生產和裝配過程中的錯誤率。主要運用於工業、物聯網(IoT)產業。產品組合包括四個模組: xPick, xMake, xInspect, xAssist