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新夥伴科技 簡介


N-Partner 成立於 2011 年,總部位於臺中;專長於高效能大數據蒐集、儲存與分析領域,及人工智慧分析技術的解決方案及應用服務。其運用多項創新技術自行研發的智慧 IT 維運系統 ─ N-Reporter 以及 N-Cloud,能完美整合 SNMP、Flow 與 Syslog 三種主流網管和資安事件分析技術,同時擁有 AI 人工智慧的自動學習,已成為多家大型教育網、跨國企業與電信公司之網路與資安維運之最佳幫手。





納管全域設備以及系統,收集 SNMP、Flow、Syslog 三種維運數據進行關聯比對分析。內建智慧學習技術能根據所在環境條件建立動態基準值,主動發覺異常並即時發送告警或是聯防協作抑制災害擴大,讓IT維運變得更簡單。從統計歸納巨量的歷史資料、分析當下合理區間定位異常,進階到預測未來的走勢,提前因應處置。是網管、流量分析、日誌三合一系統。

Security Information Event and Management
網路分析系統 安全資訊與事件管理系統(SIEM) 數據分析

N-Reporter的擴容版本,運用雲架構與 NoSQL 儲存技術提供高達百萬 EPS 以上的資料處理效能。支援多租戶設定,可根據權限劃分不同管理範圍,適合大型企業、金融、政府與教育網建置集中化的維運中心以及電信服務商作為 SaaS 服務之用。


Security Information Event and Management
網路分析系統 安全資訊與事件管理系統(SIEM) 數據分析

可接收 Mirror 流量轉換成 1:1 NetFlow 資料後送到外部流量分析系統,支援 1G、10G、40G 介面,解決交換器/路由器不吐Flow 或啟動 Flow 輸出時的效能問題。並能從 Mirror 流量裡擷取 DNS 相關訊息轉換成 DNS 日誌,同時也可作為 Web 服務品質量測工具。

Network Traffic Analysis


AI Analytics
網路分析系統 數據分析 網路監控

Tech Demo

N-Partner 九大網路維運方案
  • 9/20-9/22 展覽期間

N-Partner 經多年的研發與市場經驗,特別整合提出 9 個實務上最常遇到的問題與解方!並將於資安大會上,實際展示這九大方案的功能與解決案例,讓來訪貴賓知悉如何透過 N-Partner 的維運平台,輕鬆有效掌握更多網管與資安事。


新一代智慧 IT 維運系統

N-Partner 運用全球獨創技術自主研發之智慧 IT 維運系統,單一平台整合 SNMP、Flow、Syslog 三大主流網管與日誌分析領域數據,運用自動學習建立合理使用區間模型,全面掌握網路行為與資安事件,即時排除異常狀況,管理效率可大幅提升同時還可降低維運成本。至今,N-Partner 的研發團隊持續擴展數據分析技術的運用領域,從統計歸納歷史資料、分析當下合理區間定位異常、進階到預測未來的走勢,有效為用戶更進一步提供硬體資源與系統運作品質的早期預警機制。

White Papers

N-Partner 九大網路維運方案,讓 IT 網路維運變的更簡單
N-Partner 九大網路維運方案,讓 IT 網路維運變的更簡單

面對日益複雜的網路架構與網路維運難題,要如何能更輕鬆快速地因應與解決呢?N-Partner 經多年的研發與市場經驗,特別整合提出九個實務上最常遇到的問題與解方!呈現如何透過 N-Partner 的維運平台,輕鬆有效掌握更多事。

Performance Monitoring, PM, of N-Partner Monitors Network Latency and Website Service
Performance Monitoring, PM, of N-Partner Monitors Network Latency and Website Service

Whether network performance is good is based on if users are satisfied or not; however, it is hard for service administrators to understand users' actual network experience by only monitoring device status like CPU or bandwidth utilization, etc. with operation tools. It is common that there is nothing abnormal about devices, but users keep complaining about the efficiency. It is because users and operation tools are in different location; when users connect to a website, they need to pass many route points, and if any of them makes the connection unstable, the latency will lead to negative perception.

N-Partner currently has two ways to monitor network latency. The first one is sending ICMP ping packets to collect round trip time (RTT) information of each network node, and the other is imitating people’s behavior of visiting the monitored web services and recording responding time to do analysis.

N-Reporter/N-Cloud of N-Partner can send ICMP ping packets from their management IP to collect RTT data; also, they can send access requests to web services and record the latency of every stage. To know users’ actual network experience, administrators can deploy N-Probe in different places, such as in OA network, offices of branches, wireless LAN, telecommunications facilities of ISP, etc. By monitoring the connection status of different nodes, administrators can have an instant, comprehensive understanding about web service performance. N-Probe can monitor both RTT with ICMP ping and web service performance.

The Latest Technology for Data Analysis of N-partner Predicts the Future Trend of Hardware Efficiency and Website Performance, Notifying Users in Advance
The Latest Technology for Data Analysis of N-partner Predicts the Future Trend of Hardware Efficiency and Website Performance, Notifying Users in Advance

Nowadays, sending alerts in advance is more and more important in IT operation. Prediction about low efficiency, increasing traffic, and security events help maintain the performance of network and services.

N-Partner’s prediction technology builds a model about future trend with history records. There are currently short-term and long-term prediction, built-in functions in the latest version of both N-Reporter and N-Cloud. As long as the system is under warranty, users can apply them by upgrading the firmware. In short-term prediction, the systems show the trend in the next several hours to few days; as for long-term prediction, there is line graph of the possible amount for months to come. What is more, N-Reporter and N-Cloud will send alerts when more resources are required based on the preset threshold.



N-Partner 趨勢預測功能,助您 IT 維運工作超前部署

N-Reporter / N-Cloud可完整收集歷史資料並統計分析, 除了能即時發覺網路異常,更透過收集到的歷史數據自動學習增長情況,進而預測未來走勢!