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Boik Su


Boik Su

CyCraft Technology Senior Cyber Security Researcher

Boik Su is a senior cybersecurity researcher at CyCraft Technology and is currently focused on cloud security, AD security, web security, and threat hunting. He takes an active role in the cybersecurity community and has delivered speeches at multiple seminars across the globe including HITCON, HITB, and HackerOne. He still participates in CTF competitions including SECCON CTF in Japan and HITCON CTF in Taiwan and has submitted multiple reports to bug bounty programs and open-source projects.


Cloud Security Forum

SEP 22


How to Best Assess Your Cloud Security

09/22 (Thu) 09:30 - 10:00 7F 701F
CyCraft Technology Senior Cyber Security Researcher / Boik Su
CyCraft Cyber Security Researcher / Dange Lin

Many threats to your cloud security result from improper IAM or insecure configuration settings; such threats typically need to be prevented through inventory and risk assessments. Unfortunately, many services are out of the network admins’ control, complicating assessments and severely raising risk. In this presentation, we will discuss how to best assess cloud security; how to use different frameworks/methods to examine cloud assets, their corresponding risks, and security levels; and discuss real-world security incidents.