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James H


James H

U.S. Law Enforcement Professional

The speaker is experienced member of the U.S. law enforcement community who has worked in different regions around the world in various security and law enforcement capacities and has a wealth of knowledge and experience in investigations and cyber forensics.


SEP 22


Public-Private Sector Partnerships: The Key to Success in Confronting Cyber Threats

09/22 (Thu) 09:30 - 10:00 7F 701E
U.S. Law Enforcement Professional / James H

Threat actors anonymously carry out attacks at their will, stealing sensitive information, deploying ransomware on critical infrastructures, and conduct denial-of-service attacks to disrupt services, inflicting damages to the economy and causing wide-spread panic in society. 

Government agencies, as capable as they are, cannot defend against and mitigate these threats alone. It must be a coordinated effort between governments, corporations, NGOs, sharing information and intelligence. There must also be a change in people’s mindset on cybersecurity, from the end user to IT administrators, to the managers, to minimize the risks of the human factor.