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Pershing Data Corporation Product Manager

Mike Wang is currently working at PERSHING DATA CORP. as a software product manager for IBM and HCL. He has accumulated more than 20 years of experience in software and application system planning, design, implementation and deployment. He also fully plays the role of a solution consultant to assist customers and partners in planning appropriate application security solutions to ensure that the IT system can maximize its value that under the well-managed security risk control.


Manufacturing Security Forum

SEP 22


Equip yourself with XDR solutions for Advanced Threats

09/22 (Thu) 11:00 - 11:20 7F 701D
IBM Taiwan Senior Technical Consultant of Software Business Group / Ted Liu
Pershing Data Corporation Product Manager / Mike

According to the research report, the proportion of the global manufacturing industry attacked by advanced threats has been increasing in recent years. It simply not enough to meet the ever-evolving threats by using the traditional security tools. Organizations require more open and comprehensive solutions that provide deeper visibility, more intelligent automation and situational insights across endpoints, networks, clouds, and applications. This session will introduce you a new approach to threat detection and response: the industry's first comprehensive Extended Detection and Response (XDR) solutions.